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Visiting The Church
Please read the following before attending our Church.
  1. Covid regulations have ended in England. However, Covid has not gone away and the church still has to maintain a safe environment for all who enter. 
  2. We request you do not come to the church. If you are feeling unwell, have any Covid symptoms (3), you are advised to isolate or have tested positive in the last 7 days.
  3. New variants common symptoms: high temperature - Sore throat - Headache - Blocked nose - Cough with or without phlegm - Runny nose - Hoarse voice - Sneezing - Fatigue - Muscle pains/aches - Dizziness light-headed - Swollen neck glands - Eye soreness - Altered smell or taste - Chest pain tightness - Fever - Chills or shivers - Shortness of breath - Earache.
    Many of this list are common too many other infections suffered in winter times.

  4. There is no legal requirement for social distancing, We would like all attending to feel comfortable so allow a little more space than before covid. 
  5. Covid is an airborne virus! From January 27th 2022, face coverings are no longer required by law. Medical professionals suggest wearing a covering over the mouth in enclosed spaces. Wearing of face covering is your personal choice, please be considerate to others.

For the most up to date information about your health and Coronavirus

Mediums may still become unavailable at short notice. We will do our best to run services as advertised but sometimes we will have to replace Mediums or cancel services.

Jan 2023

Church Membership
  Church membership is open to all, the annual membership is just £5.00 Membership runs from January 1st to December 31st.

Membership entitles you to have a say in the running of the church and vote at the church's Annual General Meeting.

For more information to become a member ask any committee member at the back of the church.
Jan 2024

Church AGM 2024

The Church AGM was held on Sunday 17th March, where the church members present voted to retain the present president and committee for a further year.

The amount donated to last year's church charity (GOSH) was £900.

The Charity for 2024 will be St Joseph’s Hospice Hackney London.

For the Charity for 2025, a suggestion was made for smaller, more local charities to be considered for the church Charity.

March 2024

Locking of Church Car Park

After the recent parking of vehicles in the church car park who were not visiting the church, and damaged the gate and wall when removing the vehicles.

It has been decided by the Church Committee, that the gate will be locked when the church is not in use.

The gate will be opened 30 minutes or on request before a service/event during hours of parking restrictions (Monday to Friday 08:30 to 18:30) and the church is in force.
The gate will be locked 30 minutes after an event.

After 18:30 on weekdays and weekends, it is free to park on the road.

Anyone visiting our church may use the car park during a service/event or working for the church.

March 2024

London Ultra Low emission Zone

The Church is now included in The London Ultra Low emission Zone. (ULEZ) If you drive any vehicle, even a small distance that is not classified as EURO (3,4 or 6) for emissions, there will be a daily fee to drive within the (ULEZ). To drive into the London Congestion Charge Zone, charges are payable as well as the ULEZ Charges.
The zone will operate 24 hours a day, every day of the year, except Christmas day.

More information is available at TFL Website to check your vehicle is compliant to (ULEZ) standards, exemptions, charges and payments. follow the link below.

Transport For London ULEZ 2021


September 2023

English Public holidays 2024
1st January Monday New Year’s Day
29th March Friday Good friday
1st April Monday Easter Monday
6th May Monday Early May bank holiday
27th May Monday Spring bank holiday
26th August Monday Summer bank holiday
25th December Wednesday Christmas Day
26th December Thursday Boxing Day
January 2024

English Public holidays 2025
1st January Wednesday New Year’s Day
18th April Friday Good friday
21st April Monday Easter Monday
5th May Monday Early May Bank holiday
26th May Monday Spring Bank holiday
25th August Monday Summer Bank holiday
25th December Thursday Christmas Bank Holiday
26th December Friday Boxing Day Bank Holiday

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